So I'm going to try to make this quick because I still have to call my dad because I couldn't earlier because my phone died and I was cat-sitting at someone else's house...and Poppy, if I don't reach you tonight, I hope you know how much I love you and think you're a terrific dad.
I also love the Coney Island Mermaid Parade with all the fibers in my wee heart, but I have to say that it has always produced several challenges, first and foremost it's being held every year on the same weekend as my birthday (or whatever weekend falls closest), which means that I am either hungover for the parade or have to leave earlier than I'd otherwise choose to in order to have a bday party. Either way, I always miss the Mermaid Ball. (I know I could have a bday party at Coney, technically, but I am vain and on the one day of the year when I feel completely allowed to be openly vain, I don't want to share the glory with such fabulousness as the Mermaid Parade.)
THIS YEAR, the parade did NOT fall on my bday, lo and behold! Once again I uncharacteristically made plans in advance to go, bought a dress, the whole thing. Only this time, my chosen companion fell ill, none of my other friends, including Lance, wanted to go (who are these people and why are they my friends?), and I had last-minute guests arriving that night. Fine. I adjusted my goals, decided to go to the parade on my own, and hoped to convince the guests to join me later for the ball. Then what happened? It POURED. And was cold. And I'd like to count my blessings and be happy for the miracle of the rain stopping just as the parade started, but by that time my dress was soaked through the sequins, a serious wind was coming off the ocean, and my back hurt (due to being on my feet most of the previous day, in heels, at a stupid work function, oh, and the fact that my dress was so tight I couldn't sit on the subway). Oh the agony!
Thank god for the paraders, who are worth the trip every year. I took as many pictures as I could before my teeth started chattering, then boarded the subway to stand all the way home. I still love the Mermaid Parade with all the fibers of my wee heart, and still hope to one day make it to the ball, but I might start lobbying for it all to go down in July.
p.s. Mer-hons, no? Worlds collide.
Worlds collide, indeed! I hadn't known previously that mermaids wear high heels.