Terrifically unable to concentrate at work today due to a raging SPRING FEVER fueled by my recent, all-too-short trip to NEW ORLEANS and BATON ROUGE, in the Great American South, an area of which I cannot get enough. Here I sit at my desk (on my lunch break, of course, as I am a tres diligent employee), having attempted valiantly all morning to focus on the nit-picky tasks at hand when all I can really think about is:
1. When will my life become a place where I can afford and have places to wear the obscenely fantastic hats and dresses at Fleur de Paris in the Quatier Francais?
2. Why did I promise the friend I was visiting that I would be peppering my language with as much French as possible and then neglect to do so, and when can I go back to correct this grievous error? Mon Dieu!
3. Should I be so obnoxious as to try to learn Cajun French slang? They surely have some brilliantly bastardized version of "Mon Dieu"
3. Could I make a hat that good? Will I ever get around to investigating the options?
4. Could I have eaten more if I tried? I think I should have tried.
5. POURQUOI oh POURQUOI didn't I stay longer?
Having said that, we did manage to go on a swamp tour (avec over 20 alligators) , see an incredible sculpture garden, drive to the bottom of Louisiana (a different part of the state than New Orleans), drink Abita beers and drive-through daiquiris, eat boiled crawfish and boiled shrimp and Oysters Rockefeller and fresh beignets and OH MY GOD BANANAS FOSTERS, and walk around the French Quarter and drive around Baton Rouge and see my beloved Mississipi in both places (plus the view from the plane over Memphis, if you count my otherwise very trying layover).
Sadly, we did not see any nutra-rats with their crazy orange teeth. The alligators had eaten them. Next time!
I'm not sure that we could've eaten any more, but I guess there was a meal or two left out (Waffle House, you magnificent bastard, I do apologize). And yes, we can make those hats, I have the supreme confidence of the completely ignorant in regards to that issue. Even if you learned the cajun creole, in order to speak it correctly you would have to be impossible to understand, so it's a bit of a conundrum. C'est la vie! (I'll stop dorking it up now).
ReplyDeleteKira, while sad that we couldn't fit any Waffle House foods into our bellies, I remain deeply by your example that the Waffle House thrill doesn't wear off just because one lives near a Waffle House. Thank the good lord of breakfast foods. I'm going to go look up hat stuff! Mais oui!